The Football knock-out contests has started in Garmser district of Helmand

Sat, Oct 14 2023 9:47 AM
The Football knock-out contests has started in Garmser district of Helmand

The Football contests b/w 14 teams for two weeks has started with the utter collaboration from Helmand’s sports directorate in Muhammad Hasan sports stadium.

The starting match was played b/w Siyal Afghan & Laghman Shahi teams, as a result, Siyal Afghan team defeated the opposite team with 1/0 goals.

The ultimate aim of the contests is to motive youths for sports activities and to pave the way for unity.

During the past two decades of war, aggressions, internal displacements, hostilities, antagonism & violence, the Garmser district of Helmand was considered as one of the isolated, deadly & secluded district in the country.

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